Disarm Your Attacker Nonviolently with Emotional Aikido

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Partner with Your Subconscious
Intro written: Nonattachment
Stub only: Relax to Heal Your Body
Stub only: Trance
Stub only: Suggestion

Exercise Details

Duration = 30 minutes.
Difficulty = 80/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To reduce your emotional reactivity so that you can operate more effectively when you're angry, frightened, or upset because of an attack or fear of an attack (including hostile judgment, criticism, gossip, or slander).
  2. To keep yourself safe without violating your principles by stepping out of the way of negativity and attacks, and when necessary, using the negative energy against the attacker.
  3. To find a more tempered, moderate approach to difficult situations, without using it as an excuse to rationalize abuse or violence against yourself or those in your care.
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